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Branded SMS Prices For International Countries

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Country Mobile Operator MCC MNC Price (EUR) Payment Mode
Afghanistan Afghan Wireless Communication Company (AWCC) 412 1 0.0090
Afghanistan Roshan 412 20 0.0080
Afghanistan MTN Afghanistan 412 40 0.0120
Afghanistan Etisalat Afghanistan 412 50 0.0035
Albania Telekom Albania 276 1 0.0110
Albania Vodafone Albania 276 2 0.0150
Albania Eagle Mobile 276 3 0.0303
Albania Plus Communication 276 4 0.0025
Algeria Algerie Telecom (Mobilis) 603 1 0.0130
Algeria Orascom Telecom (Djezzy) 603 2 0.0080
Algeria Ooredoo Algeria 603 3 0.0138
American Samoa Blue Sky Communications 544 11 0.0430
Andorra Andorra Telecom (Servei De Tele. DAndorra) 213 3 0.0130
Angola Unitel Angola 631 2 0.0070
Angola Movicel Angola 631 4 0.0140
Anguilla Weblinks 365 10 0.0132
Anguilla Wireless Ventures Anguilla (Digicel) 365 50 0.0145
Anguilla Cable & Wireless Anguilla 365 100 0.0117
Antigua and Barbuda APUA PCS 344 30 0.0045
Antigua and Barbuda Cable & Wireless Antigua 344 100 0.0045
Antigua and Barbuda Digicel Antigua 344 100 0.0045
Argentina Nextel Argentina 722 2 0.0160
Argentina Telefonica Moviles Argentina (Movistar) 722 7 0.0084
Argentina Telecom Personal 722 34 0.0160
Argentina Hutchison Telecommunications Argentina 722 35 0.0084
Argentina Claro Argentina (Cti Pcs) 722 100 0.0160
Argentina Default (Unallocated Prefixes) 722 100 0.0084
Armenia Beeline Armenia 283 1 0.0080
Armenia Karabakh Telecom 283 4 0.0025
Armenia VivaCell (MTS Armenia) 283 5 0.0110
Armenia Orange Armenia 283 10 0.0170
Aruba SETAR 363 1 0.0040
Aruba Digicel Aruba 363 20 0.0045
Australia Telstra 505 1 0.0299
Australia Optus Mobile 505 2 0.0285
Australia Vodafone Hutchison Australia 505 3 0.0319
Austria Mobilkom Austria 232 1 0.0550
Austria T-Mobile Austria 232 3 0.0550
Austria Orange Austria 232 5 0.0550
Austria Tele.ring Telekom 232 7 0.0550
Austria Hutchison 3G Austria 232 10 0.0550
Azerbaijan Azercell 400 1 0.0070
Azerbaijan Bakcell 400 2 0.0090
Azerbaijan Azerfon (Nar Mobile) 400 4 0.0160
Bahamas Bahamas Telecommunications Company 364 39 0.0150
Bahrain Batelco 426 1 0.0100
Bahrain Zain Bahrain 426 2 0.0100
Bahrain VIVA (STC Bahrain) 426 4 0.0100
Bangladesh Grameenphone 470 1 0.0110
Bangladesh Robi (Axiata) 470 2 0.0042
Bangladesh Banglalink 470 3 0.0055
Bangladesh TeleTalk 470 4 0.0139
Bangladesh Citycell 470 5 0.0070
Bangladesh Airtel 470 7 0.0042
Barbados Flow Barbados (LIME - CWC) 342 100 0.0045
Barbados Digicel Barbados 342 100 0.0120
Belarus Velcom 257 1 0.0037
Belarus MTS Belarus 257 2 0.0025
Belarus Diallog (Belcel JV) 257 3 0.0061
Belarus life:) 257 4 0.0050
Belgium Belgacom Mobile (Proximus) 206 1 0.0620
Belgium Telenet 206 5 0.0114
Belgium Mobistar 206 10 0.0120
Belgium Base 206 20 0.0175
Belize Belize Telecommunication 702 67 0.0025
Benin BBCom 616 0 0.0156
Benin Libercom 616 1 0.0110
Benin Moov Benin (Etisalat) 616 2 0.0320
Benin MTN Benin (Spacetel) 616 3 0.0240
Benin Glo Benin 616 5 0.0320
Bermuda Cellular One Bermuda 350 0 0.0144
Bermuda Digicel Bermuda 350 1 0.0091
Bermuda M3 Wireless (Mobility) 350 2 0.0090
Bhutan B-Mobile Bhutan Telecom 402 11 0.0320
Bhutan TashiCell 402 77 0.0075
Bolivia Nuevatel 736 1 0.0070
Bolivia Entel Bolivia 736 2 0.0045
Bolivia Tigo Bolivia 736 3 0.0045
Bosnia and Herzegovina Eronet 218 3 0.0220
Bosnia and Herzegovina m:tel 218 5 0.0220
Bosnia and Herzegovina BH Telecom 218 90 0.0220
Botswana Mascom Wireless 652 1 0.0032
Botswana Orange Botswana 652 2 0.0190
Botswana BTC Mobile (beMobile) 652 4 0.0062
Brazil Nextel Brazil 724 0 0.0150
Brazil TIM Brazil 724 2 0.0150
Brazil Claro Brazil 724 5 0.0150
Brazil Vivo Brazil 724 6 0.0150
Brazil CTBC Celular 724 15 0.0150
Brazil Brasil Telecom 724 16 0.0150
Brazil Oi Brazil 724 31 0.0150
Brazil Sercomtel Celular 724 55 0.0043
Brazil Default (Unallocated Prefixes) 724 100 0.0043
Brunei Darussalam B-Mobile Brunei 528 2 0.0069
Brunei Darussalam DST Communications 528 11 0.0059
Brunei Darussalam Digicel Tonga 528 88 0.0090
Bulgaria MobilTel (M-Tel) 284 1 0.0430
Bulgaria Vivacom 284 3 0.0530
Bulgaria Telenor Bulgaria (Other mobile networks) 284 5 0.0530
Burkina Faso Onatel Burkina Faso (Telemob) 613 1 0.0160
Burkina Faso Airtel/ZAIN/CelTel 613 2 0.0057
Burkina Faso Telecel Burkina Faso 613 3 0.0043
Burundi Econet (Spacetel) 642 1 0.0042
Burundi Tempo (Africell) 642 2 0.0070
Burundi Onatel 642 3 0.0145
Burundi LaCell 642 7 0.0050
Burundi HiTs 642 8 0.0108
Burundi Leo (Telecel) 642 82 0.0042
Cambodia Cellcard (Mobitel) 456 1 0.0066
Cambodia Smart Mobile 456 2 0.0120
Cambodia qb (Cambodia Advance Communications) 456 4 0.0151
Cambodia Metfone (Viettel Cambodia) 456 8 0.0100
Cambodia Beeline (Cambodia) 456 9 0.0049
Cambodia Excell 456 11 0.0066
Cameroon MTN Cameroon 624 1 0.0200
Cameroon Orange Cameroon 624 2 0.0090
Cameroon CAMTEL Cameroon 624 3 0.0444
Cameroon NEXTELL Cameroon 624 4 0.0444
Canada Airtel Wireless 302 100 0.0066
Canada Mobilicity 302 100 0.0066
Canada First Networks Operations 302 100 0.0066
Canada Telus Canada 302 100 0.0066
Canada Fido Solutions 302 100 0.0066
Canada Dryden Mobility 302 100 0.0066
Canada WIND Mobile 302 100 0.0066
Canada Videotron 302 100 0.0066
Canada Bell Mobility Inc 302 100 0.0066
Canada ICE Wireless 302 100 0.0066
Canada MTS 302 100 0.0066
Canada tbaytel 302 100 0.0066
Canada SaskTel Wireless 302 100 0.0066
Canada Rogers Wireless Canada 302 100 0.0066
Cape Verde Islands CV Movel 625 1 0.0115
Cape Verde Islands T+ Telecomunicacoes 625 2 0.0115
Cayman Islands Digicel Cayman 346 6 0.0174
Cayman Islands Cable & Wireless Cayman Islands 346 100 0.0145
Central African Republic Moov Centrafrique (A-Cell) 623 1 0.0035
Central African Republic Telecel Centrafrique 623 2 0.0060
Central African Republic Orange Central African Republic 623 3 0.0030
Central African Republic NationLink Telecom 623 4 0.0520
Chad Airtel Chad 622 1 0.0057
Chad Tigo Chad 622 3 0.0080
Chad Salam 622 4 0.0066
Chile Entel Telefonia Movil 730 1 0.0128
Chile Telefonica Movil Chile (Movistar) 730 2 0.0128
Chile Claro Chile 730 3 0.0128
Chile VTR 730 5 0.0066
Chile WOM (Nextel) 730 9 0.0066
Chile Entel Pcs 730 10 0.0128
Chile Virgin Mobile(Tribe) 730 98 0.0066
Chile Telefonica Del Sur 730 99 0.0066
Chile Sociedad Falabella Movil 730 100 0.0066
China China Mobile 460 0 0.0250
China China Unicom 460 1 0.0250
China China Telecom 460 3 0.0250
Christmas Island Wave Runner Mariana Islands (i CAN_GSM) 0 100 0.0120
Cocos Islands Wave Runner Mariana Islands (i CAN_GSM) 0 100 0.0120
Colombia Edatel 732 2 0.0138
Colombia Comcel S.A. Occel S.A./Celcaribe 732 101 0.0138
Colombia Claro Colombia (Comcel) 732 100 0.0130
Colombia Movistar Colombia 732 100 0.0130
Colombia Tigo Colombia 732 100 0.0130
Colombia Avantel 732 100 0.0138
Comoros/Mayotte HURI 654 1 0.0030
Congo Airtel Congo 629 1 0.0057
Congo Azur Congo 629 2 0.0144
Congo Warid Congo 629 7 0.0030
Congo MTN Congo 629 10 0.0290
Congo, The Democratic Republic of the Vodacom DRC 630 1 0.0250
Congo, The Democratic Republic of the Airtel RDC 630 2 0.0057
Congo, The Democratic Republic of the Supercell Congo 630 5 0.0020
Congo, The Democratic Republic of the Orange RDC 630 86 0.0255
Congo, The Democratic Republic of the TIGO RDC 630 89 0.0078
Congo, The Democratic Republic of the Africell RDC 630 90 0.0100
Congo, The Democratic Republic of the Yozma Timeturns 630 100 0.0100
Cook Islands Telecom Cook Islands 548 1 0.0043
Costa Rica ICE Costa Rica 712 1 0.0060
Costa Rica Claro CR Telecomunicaciones 712 3 0.0164
Costa Rica Telefonica Moviles Costa Rica 712 4 0.0030
Cote D` Ivoire Moov Ivory Coast 612 2 0.0090
Cote D` Ivoire Orange Ivory Coast 612 3 0.0145
Cote D` Ivoire KoZ Ivory Coast (Comium) 612 4 0.0227
Cote D` Ivoire MTN Ivory Coast 612 5 0.0220
Cote D` Ivoire GreenN Ivory Coast 612 6 0.0190
Cote D` Ivoire Aircomm (Cafe Mobile) 612 7 0.0060
Croatia T-Mobile Croatia 219 1 0.0030
Croatia Tele2 Croatia 219 2 0.0080
Croatia VIP 219 10 0.0050
Cuba Cubacel 368 1 0.0041
Cyprus CYTA (Vodafone) 280 1 0.0090
Cyprus MTN Cyprus (Areeba) 280 10 0.0100
Cyprus PrimeTel 280 20 0.0070
Czech Republic T-Mobile Czech Republic 230 1 0.0135
Czech Republic O2 Czech Republic 230 2 0.0135
Czech Republic Vodafone Czech Republic 230 3 0.0135
Czech Republic U:fon 230 4 0.0240
Denmark TDC Mobil 238 1 0.0248
Denmark Telenor Denmark 238 2 0.0248
Denmark Hi3G Denmark 238 6 0.0248
Denmark Barablu Mobile 238 7 0.0067
Denmark Lycamobile Denmark 238 12 0.0248
Denmark Telia Denmark 238 20 0.0248
Denmark Telenor (ex-Tele2) 238 77 0.0067
Denmark FONET 238 100 0.0067
Denmark CBB Mobil 238 100 0.0067
Denmark Telmore 238 100 0.0067
Denmark Fullrate 238 100 0.0067
Denmark Companymobile 238 100 0.0067
Denmark Bibob 238 100 0.0067
Denmark Lebara 238 100 0.0067
Denmark Call me 238 100 0.0067
Djibouti Djibouti Telecom (Evatis) 638 1 0.0060
Dominica Digicel Dominica 366 20 0.0059
Dominica Cable & Wireless Dominica 366 100 0.0100
Dominican Republic Orange Dominicana 370 1 0.0100
Dominican Republic CODETEL (Claro) 370 2 0.0100
Dominican Republic Tricom 370 3 0.0100
Dominican Republic Trilogy Dominicana (Viva) 370 4 0.0100
Ecuador Movistar (Otecel S.A.) 740 0 0.0220
Ecuador Claro (Conecel S.A.) 740 1 0.0119
Ecuador CNT Mobile (Alegro) 740 2 0.0155
Egypt Mobinil Egypt 602 1 0.0225
Egypt Vodafone Egypt 602 2 0.0230
Egypt Etisalat Egypt 602 3 0.0225
El Salvador Claro (CTE) 706 1 0.0080
El Salvador Digicel El Salvador 706 2 0.0060
El Salvador Tigo El Salvador (Telemovil) 706 3 0.0139
El Salvador Telefonica El Salvador (Movistar) 706 4 0.0170
El Salvador Intelfon (RED) 706 5 0.0072
Equatorial Guinea GETESA (Orange) 627 1 0.0025
Eritrea Eritel 657 1 0.0200
Estonia EMT 248 1 0.0370
Estonia Elisa Estonia 248 2 0.0091
Estonia Tele2 Estonia 248 3 0.0320
Ethiopia ETMTN 636 1 0.0580
Falkland Islands Touch Falkland Islands 750 1 0.0180
Faroe Islands Faroese Telecom 288 1 0.0035
Faroe Islands Kall 288 2 0.0096
Fiji Vodafone Fiji 542 1 0.0110
Fiji Digicel Fiji 542 2 0.0030
Finland DNA Finland 244 3 0.0890
Finland Elisa Finland 244 5 0.0250
Finland TDC 244 10 0.0174
Finland Alands Mobiltelefon 244 14 0.0430
Finland Saunalahti 244 21 0.0174
Finland Vectone Mobile 244 30 0.0174
Finland Teliasonera Finland 244 91 0.0420
France Orange France 208 1 0.0512
France SFR 208 10 0.0512
France Iliad - Free Mobile 208 15 0.0512
France Bouygues Telecom 208 20 0.0512
France Transatel Mobile 208 22 0.0512
France Virgin Mobile (OMEA) 208 23 0.0426
France Lycamobile France 208 25 0.0512
France NJR Mobile 208 26 0.0426
France Default (Unallocated Prefixes) 208 100 0.0426
French Guiana Orange Caribe French Guiana 742 1 0.0760
French Guiana Outremer Telecom French Guiana 742 2 0.0090
French Guiana Digicel French Guiana 742 20 0.0290
French Polynesia Vodafone French Polynesia 547 15 0.0120
French Polynesia VINI 547 20 0.0105
Gabon Libertis Gabon 628 1 0.0100
Gabon Moov Gabon 628 2 0.0100
Gabon Airtel Gabon 628 3 0.0100
Gabon Azur Gabon 628 4 0.0100
Gambia Gamcel 607 1 0.0060
Gambia Africell 607 2 0.0060
Gambia Comium 607 3 0.0040
Gambia Qcell 607 4 0.0460
Georgia Geocell 282 1 0.0110
Georgia Magticom 282 2 0.0110
Georgia Magtifix 282 3 0.0072
Georgia Beeline 282 4 0.0110
Georgia Silknet 282 5 0.0072
Germany T-Mobile Germany 262 1 0.0390
Germany Vodafone Germany (D2) 262 2 0.0390
Germany E-Plus 262 3 0.0390
Germany O2 Germany 262 7 0.0390
Germany Dolphin Telecom 262 12 0.0120
Germany MobilCom 262 13 0.0390
Germany Group3G 262 14 0.0120
Germany Vistream 262 16 0.0390
Germany OnePhone Germany 262 20 0.0120
Germany Lycamobile Germany 262 43 0.0390
Germany Debitel Germany 262 100 0.0120
Ghana MTN Ghana 620 1 0.0049
Ghana Vodafone Ghana 620 2 0.0025
Ghana Tigo Ghana Millicom) 620 3 0.0055
Ghana Expresso 620 4 0.0070
Ghana Airtel Ghana (Zain) 620 6 0.0057
Ghana Globacom 620 7 0.0055
Gibraltar Gibtel 266 1 0.0080
Greece Cosmote 202 1 0.0310
Greece Vodafone Greece 202 5 0.0310
Greece Q Telecom 202 9 0.0310
Greece Wind Greece 202 10 0.0310
Greenland TELE Greenland 290 1 0.0035
Grenada Digicel Grenada 352 30 0.0200
Grenada Cable & Wireless Grenada 352 100 0.0095
Guadeloupe Orange Caraibes Guadeloupe 340 1 0.0760
Guadeloupe Outremer Telecom Guadeloupe 340 2 0.0140
Guadeloupe Telcell (Saint Martin et Saint Barthelemy Telcell Sarl) 340 3 0.0100
Guadeloupe Dauphin 340 8 0.0100
Guadeloupe Digicel Guadeloupe 340 20 0.0060
Guam IT&E Overseas (IT&E Wireless) 535 32 0.0670
Guam Pulse Mobile (GTA Wireless) 535 100 0.0250
Guam Wave Runner (i CAN_GSM) 535 100 0.0670
Guam iConnect 535 100 0.0120
Guam Docomo Pacific (Hafatel) 535 100 0.0120
Guatemala Claro Guatemala 704 1 0.0230
Guatemala Tigo Guatemala (Comcel) 704 2 0.0156
Guatemala Telefonica Guatemala (Movistar) 704 3 0.0156
Guinea Orange Guinea 611 1 0.0085
Guinea Sotelgui (Lagui) 611 2 0.0228
Guinea Telecel Guinea 611 3 0.0105
Guinea Areeba Guinea 611 4 0.0240
Guinea Cellcom Guinea 611 5 0.0040
Guinea-Bissau MTN Guinea-Bissau (Spacetel) 632 2 0.0220
Guinea-Bissau Orange Bissau 632 3 0.0120
Guinea-Bissau Guinetel 632 7 0.0102
Guyana Digicel Guyana 738 1 0.0045
Guyana Telephone Guyana (Cellink) 738 2 0.0220
Haiti Voila 372 1 0.0060
Haiti Digicel Haiti 372 2 0.0310
Haiti Natcom 372 3 0.0060
Honduras Claro Honduras (Sercom) 708 1 0.0300
Honduras Tigo Honduras (Celtel) 708 2 0.0300
Honduras Digicel Honduras 708 4 0.0300
Honduras Hondutel 708 30 0.0300
Hong Kong CSL 454 0 0.0360
Hong Kong CITIC Telecom 1616 454 1 0.0320
Hong Kong Three Hong Kong 454 3 0.0140
Hong Kong SmarTone Mobile 454 6 0.0320
Hong Kong China Unicom Hong Kong 454 7 0.0160
Hong Kong TruPhone Hong Kong 454 8 0.0310
Hong Kong China Motion Mobile 454 9 0.0120
Hong Kong China-Hong Kong Telecom 454 11 0.0120
Hong Kong China Mobile Hong Kong 454 12 0.0080
Hong Kong Hong Kong Telecommunications (HKT) Ltd 454 16 0.0120
Hungary Telenor Hungary (Pannon) 216 1 0.0520
Hungary T-Mobile Hungary 216 30 0.0520
Hungary Vodafone Hungary 216 70 0.0520
Iceland Siminn 274 1 0.0090
Iceland Vodafone Iceland 274 2 0.0150
Iceland IMC Islande (Viking) 274 4 0.0090
Iceland Null-Niu 274 6 0.0090
Iceland IceCell 274 7 0.0250
Iceland Nova 274 11 0.0090
India MTS Rajasthan - CDMA 404 0 0.0120
India Vodafone Essar South 404 1 0.0060
India Bharti Airtel Ltd (Airtel - Punjab) 404 2 0.0060
India Bharti Airtel Ltd (Airtel - Himachal Pradesh Circle) 404 3 0.0070
India IDEA Cellular Ltd (IDEA - Delhi) 404 4 0.0060
India FASCEL 404 5 0.0060
India IDEA Cellular Ltd (IDEA - Andhra Pradesh) 404 7 0.0060
India Reliance Communications Ltd (Assam) 404 9 0.0060
India Bharti Cellular 404 10 0.0050
India Sterling Cellular 404 11 0.0060
India Escotel Mobile Communications 404 12 0.0060
India Hutchinson Essar South Ltd. 404 13 0.0060
India Spice Communications Pvt Ltd 404 14 0.0060
India Vodafone Essar Digilink Ltd (Vodafone - Uttar Pradesh East) 404 15 0.0060
India Hexacom India 404 16 0.0060
India Aircell Digilink India 404 17 0.0060
India Reliance Communications Ltd (Himachal Pradesh Circle) 404 18 0.0120
India IDEA Cellular Ltd (Escotel - Kerala) 404 19 0.0060
India Hutchinson Max Telecom 404 20 0.0060
India BPL Mobile Communications Ltd 404 21 0.0060
India IDEA Cellular 404 22 0.0060
India IDEA Cellular Ltd (IDEA - Gujarat) 404 24 0.0070
India TATA Indicom 404 25 0.0060
India Vodafone Essar Cellular Limited (Vodafone - Maharashtra & Goa) 404 27 0.0060
India Dishnet Wireless Ltd (Aircel - Orissa) 404 28 0.0060
India Dishnet Wireless Ltd (Aircel - Assam) 404 29 0.0060
India Usha Martin Telecom 404 30 0.0060
India Bharti Airtel Ltd (Airtel - Kolkata) 404 31 0.0060
India Dishnet Wireless Ltd (Aircel - North East) 404 33 0.0120
India Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd (BSNL) 404 34 0.0120
India Dishnet Wireless Ltd (Aircel - Himachal Pradesh) 404 35 0.0120
India Reliance Telecom 404 36 0.0120
India Dishnet Wireless Ltd (Aircel - Jammu & Kashmir) 404 37 0.0060
India Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (CellOne - Assam) 404 38 0.0120
India Bharti Airtel Ltd (Airtel - Chennai) 404 40 0.0120
India Aircel Ltd. (Aircel -Chennai) 404 41 0.0060
India Aircel Ltd. 404 42 0.0060
India Vodafone Essar Cellular Ltd (Vodafone - Tamil Nadu) 404 43 0.0120
India IDEA Cellular Ltd (Spice Telecom - Karnataka) 404 44 0.0060
India Bharti Airtel Ltd (Airtel - Karnataka) 404 45 0.0060
India Vodafone Essar Cellular Ltd (Vodafone - Kerala) 404 46 0.0060
India Bharti Airtel Ltd (Airtel - Andhra Pradesh Circle) 404 49 0.0050
India Reliance Communications Ltd (North East) 404 50 0.0120
India Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (CellOne - Himachal Pradesh) 404 51 0.0120
India Reliance Communications Ltd (Orissa Circle) 404 52 0.0060
India Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (CellOne - Punjab) 404 53 0.0120
India Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (CellOne - Uttar Pradesh West) 404 54 0.0120
India Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (CellOne - Uttar Pradesh East) 404 55 0.0120
India IDEA Cellular Ltd (Escotel - Uttar Pradesh West) 404 56 0.0060
India Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (CellOne - Gujarat) 404 57 0.0120
India Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (CellOne - Madhya Pradesh) 404 58 0.0120
India Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (CellOne - Rajasthan) 404 59 0.0120
India Vodafone Essar Digilink Ltd (Vodafone - Rajasthan) 404 60 0.0060
India Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (CellOne - Jammu & Kashmir) 404 62 0.0120
India Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (CellOne - Chennai) 404 64 0.0120
India Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (CellOne - Maharashtra) 404 66 0.0120
India Reliance Communications Ltd (Madhya Pradesh) 404 67 0.0060
India Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Ltd (MTNL) 404 68 0.0120
India Mahanagar Telephone Nigam - Mumbai 404 69 0.0120
India Bharti Hexacom Ltd (Airtel - Rajasthan) 404 70 0.0060
India Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (CellOne - Karnataka) 404 71 0.0120
India Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (CellOne - Kerala) 404 72 0.0120
India Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (CellOne - Andhra Pradesh) 404 73 0.0120
India Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (CellOne - West Bengal) 404 74 0.0120
India Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (CellOne - Bihar) 404 75 0.0120
India Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (CellOne - Orissa) 404 76 0.0120
India Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (CellOne - North East) 404 77 0.0120
India BTA Cellcom 404 78 0.0060
India Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (CellOne - Tamil Nadu) 404 80 0.0120
India Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (CellOne - Kolkata) 404 81 0.0120
India Escorts Telecom 404 82 0.0060
India Reliable Internet Service Ltd. 404 83 0.0060
India Vodafone Essar South Ltd (Vodafone - Chennai) 404 84 0.0060
India Reliance Communications Ltd (West Bengal) 404 85 0.0060
India Vodafone Essar South Ltd (Vodafone - Karnataka) 404 86 0.0060
India IDEA Cellular Ltd (IDEA - Rajasthan) 404 87 0.0060
India Vodafone Essar South Ltd (Vodafone - Punjab) 404 88 0.0070
India IDEA Cellular Ltd (IDEA - Uttar Pradesh East) 404 89 0.0060
India Bharti Airtel Ltd (Airtel - Maharashtra) 404 90 0.0060
India Dishnet Wireless Ltd (Aircel - Kolkata) 404 91 0.0060
India Bharti Airtel Ltd (Airtel - Mumbai Metro) 404 92 0.0060
India Bharti Airtel Ltd (Airtel - Madhya Pradesh) 404 93 0.0060
India Bharti Airtel Ltd (Airtel - Tamil Nadu) 404 94 0.0060
India Bharti Airtel Ltd (Airtel - Kerala) 404 95 0.0060
India Bharti Airtel Ltd (Airtel - Haryana) 404 96 0.0060
India Bharti Airtel Ltd (Airtel - Uttar Pradesh West)) 404 97 0.0060
India Bharti Airtel Ltd (Airtel - Gujarat) 404 98 0.0060
India All Operators (new Prefixes) 404 100 0.0120
India2 Reliance Communications Ltd (Andhra Pradesh) 405 1 0.0060
India2 Reliance Communications Ltd (Delhi) 405 5 0.0060
India2 Reliance Communications Ltd (Gujarat) 405 6 0.0120
India2 Reliance Communications Ltd (Haryana) 405 7 0.0120
India2 Reliance Communications Ltd (Jammu & Kashmir) 405 9 0.0060
India2 Reliance Communications Ltd (Karnataka) 405 10 0.0060
India2 Reliance Communications Ltd (Kerala) 405 11 0.0120
India2 Reliance Communications Ltd (Maharashtra) 405 13 0.0070
India2 Reliance Communications Ltd (Mumbai) 405 15 0.0120
India2 Reliance Communications Ltd (Punjab) 405 18 0.0120
India2 Reliance Communications Ltd (Rajasthan) 405 19 0.0060
India2 Reliance Communications Ltd (Tamil Nadu) 405 20 0.0120
India2 Reliance Communications Ltd (Uttar Pradesh East) 405 21 0.0120
India2 Reliance Communications Ltd (Uttar Pradesh West) 405 22 0.0120
India2 Tata Teleservices Ltd (Tata Indicom - Andhra Pradesh) 405 25 0.0060
India2 Tata Teleservices Ltd (Tata Indicom - Bihar) 405 27 0.0060
India2 Tata Teleservices Ltd (Tata Indicom - Delhi) 405 29 0.0060
India2 Tata Teleservices Ltd (Tata Indicom - Gujarat) 405 30 0.0060
India2 Tata Teleservices Ltd (Tata Indicom - Haryana) 405 31 0.0060
India2 Tata Teleservices Ltd (Tata Indicom - Himachal Pradesh) 405 32 0.0060
India2 Tata Teleservices Ltd (Tata Indicom - Karnataka) 405 34 0.0070
India2 Tata Teleservices Ltd (Tata Indicom - Kerala) 405 35 0.0060
India2 Tata Teleservices Ltd (Tata Indicom - Kolkata) 405 36 0.0060
India2 Tata Teleservices Ltd (Tata Indicom - Maharashtra) 405 37 0.0060
India2 Tata Teleservices Ltd (Tata Indicom - Madhya Pradesh) 405 38 0.0060
India2 Tata Teleservices Ltd (Tata Indicom - Mumbai) 405 39 0.0060
India2 Tata Teleservices Ltd (Tata Indicom - Orissa) 405 41 0.0060
India2 Tata Teleservices Ltd (Tata Indicom - Punjab) 405 42 0.0060
India2 Tata Teleservices Ltd (Tata Indicom - Rajasthan) 405 43 0.0060
India2 Tata Teleservices Ltd (Tata Indicom - Tamil Nadu) 405 44 0.0060
India2 Tata Teleservices Ltd (Tata Indicom - Uttar Pradesh East) 405 45 0.0060
India2 Tata Teleservices Ltd (Tata Indicom - Uttar Pradesh West) 405 46 0.0060
India2 Tata Teleservices Ltd (Tata Indicom - West Bengal) 405 47 0.0120
India2 Bharti Airtel Ltd (Airtel - West Bengal) 405 51 0.0060
India2 Bharti Airtel Ltd (Airtel - Bihar) 405 52 0.0060
India2 Bharti Airtel Ltd (Airtel - Orissa) 405 53 0.0120
India2 Bharti Airtel Ltd (Airtel - Uttar Pradesh East) 405 54 0.0060
India2 Bharti Airtel Ltd (Airtel - Jammu & Kashmir) 405 55 0.0060
India2 Bharti Airtel Ltd (Airtel - Assam) 405 56 0.0060
India2 Vodafone Essar South Limited (Vodafone - UP West) 405 66 0.0060
India2 Vodafone Essar South Limited (Vodafone - West Bengal) 405 67 0.0060
India2 Vodafone Madhya Pradesh 405 68 0.0120
India2 IDEA Cellular Ltd (IDEA - Behar) 405 70 0.0060
India2 Vodafone Essar Spacetel Ltd (Vodafone - Jammu & Kashmir) 405 100 0.0060
India2 Vodafone Essar Spacetel Ltd (Vodafone - Assam) 405 100 0.0060
India2 Vodafone Essar Spacetel Ltd (Vodafone - Bihar) 405 100 0.0060
India2 Vodafone Essar Spacetel Ltd (Vodafone - Orissa) 405 100 0.0060
India2 Vodafone Essar Spacetel Ltd (Vodafone - Himachal Pradesh) 405 100 0.0060
India2 Vodafone Essar Spacetel Ltd (Vodafone - NorthEast) 405 100 0.0060
India2 Vodafone Essar Spacetel Ltd (Vodafone - Madhya Pradesh) 405 100 0.0060
India2 IDEA Cellular Ltd (IDEA - Mumbai) 405 100 0.0060
India2 Dishnet Wireless Ltd (Aircel - Delhi Metro) 405 100 0.0070
India2 Dishnet Wireless Ltd (Aircel - Andhra Pradesh) 405 100 0.0060
India2 Dishnet Wireless Ltd (Aircel - Karnataka) 405 100 0.0060
India2 Dishnet Wireless Ltd (Aircel - Maharashtra & Goa) 405 100 0.0060
India2 Dishnet Wireless Ltd (Aircel - Mumbai Metro) 405 100 0.0060
India2 Dishnet Wireless Ltd (Aircel - Rajasthan) 405 100 0.0060
India2 Dishnet Wireless Ltd (Aircel - Kerala Service Telecom Area) 405 100 0.0060
India2 Dishnet Wireless Ltd (Aircel - Uttar Pradesh East) 405 100 0.0060
India2 Dishnet Wireless Ltd (Aircel - Uttar Pradesh West) 405 100 0.0060
India2 Unitech Wireless Limited (uninor - Uttar Pradesh West) 405 100 0.0120
India2 Unitech Wireless Limited (uninor - Andhra Pradesh) 405 100 0.0120
India2 Unitech Wireless Limited (uninor - Karnataka) 405 100 0.0120
India2 Unitech Wireless Limited (uninor - Kerala) 405 100 0.0120
India2 Videocon Datacom (Assam) 405 100 0.0060
India2 Videocon Datacom (Madhya Pradesh) 405 100 0.0060
India2 IDEA Cellular Ltd (IDEA - Orissa) 405 100 0.0060
India2 IDEA Cellular Ltd (IDEA - Tamilnadu Inc Chennai) 405 100 0.0120
Indonesia PSN (PT Pasifik Satelit Nusantara) 510 0 0.0120
Indonesia Indosat Ooredoo 510 1 0.0080
Indonesia StarOne (Indosat) 510 3 0.0120
Indonesia Flexi (Telkom Indonesia) 510 7 0.0120
Indonesia AXIS 510 8 0.0060
Indonesia Smartfren 510 9 0.0048
Indonesia Telkomsel 510 10 0.0053
Indonesia XL Axiata 510 11 0.0043
Indonesia Ceria 510 27 0.0120
Indonesia Three Indonesia 510 89 0.0070
Indonesia Esia 510 99 0.0120
International Networks Asia Cellular Satellite (ACeS) 901 0 0.0120
International Networks Thuraya 901 5 0.0120
International Networks Inmarsat Satellite 901 11 0.0120
International Networks Maritime Communications Partner 901 12 0.0120
International Networks Antartica 901 13 0.0060
International Networks AeroMobile 901 14 0.0120
International Networks SITA 901 15 0.0120
Iran MCI 432 11 0.0250
Iran KFZO (TKC) 432 14 0.0250
Iran MTCE 432 19 0.0250
Iran Taliya 432 32 0.0250
Iran MTN (Irancell) 432 35 0.0250
Iraq Asia Cell 418 5 0.0465
Iraq SanaTel 418 8 0.0120
Iraq Zain Iraq 418 20 0.0475
Iraq KorekTel 418 40 0.0395
Iraq Mobitel 418 45 0.0120
Iraq Itisaluna 418 62 0.0120
Iraq Omnnea 418 92 0.0120
Ireland Vodafone Ireland 272 1 0.0370
Ireland Three Ireland (O2) 272 2 0.0116
Ireland Meteor 272 3 0.0272
Ireland Three Ireland 272 5 0.0116
Ireland eircom Ltd 272 7 0.0132
Israel Orange Israel (Partner) 425 1 0.0144
Israel Cellcom Israel 425 2 0.0145
Israel Pelephone 425 3 0.0197
Israel Jawwal 425 5 0.0145
Israel Wataniya Israel (ooredoo) 425 6 0.0090
Israel Mirs 425 77 0.0740
Italy TIM Italy 222 1 0.0445
Italy Noverca 222 7 0.0396
Italy Vodafone Italy 222 10 0.0460
Italy Lyca Italy 222 35 0.0480
Italy Wind Italy 222 88 0.0480
Italy Three Italy 222 99 0.0420
Jamaica Digicel Jamaica 338 50 0.0360
Jamaica Flow Jamaica (LIME - CWC) 338 100 0.0360
Japan Y!mobile 440 0 0.0060
Japan NTT DoCoMo 440 1 0.0245
Japan KDDI 440 7 0.0245
Japan SoftBank Mobile 440 20 0.0060
Japan Willcom 440 100 0.0060
Jordan Zain Jordan 416 1 0.0120
Jordan Umniah 416 3 0.0120
Jordan Orange Jordan 416 77 0.0120
Kazakhstan Beeline Kazakhstan 401 1 0.0280
Kazakhstan Kcell 401 2 0.0240
Kazakhstan Altel 401 7 0.0400
Kazakhstan Kazakhtelecom 401 8 0.0360
Kazakhstan Tele2 Kazakhstan 401 77 0.0220
Kenya Safaricom 639 2 0.0045
Kenya Airtel Kenya (Zain) 639 3 0.0057
Kenya yu (Econet Wireless Kenya) 639 5 0.0145
Kenya Telkom Kenya (Orange) 639 7 0.0070
Kiribati ATHKL 545 9 0.0309
Korea, Democratic People`s Republic of (North) Korea Posts and Telecommunications 467 3 0.0125
Korea, Democratic People`s Republic of (North) Koryolink 467 100 0.0125
Korea, Republic of KT Freetel 450 2 0.0120
Korea, Republic of SK Telecom 450 5 0.0113
Korea, Republic of LG Telecom 450 6 0.0112
Kuwait Zain Kuwait (MTC) 419 2 0.0360
Kuwait Ooredoo Kuwait 419 3 0.0280
Kuwait Viva Kuwait 419 4 0.0260
Kyrgyzstan Beeline (Sky Mobile) 437 1 0.0030
Kyrgyzstan Fonex (Aktel) 437 3 0.0160
Kyrgyzstan MegaCom 437 5 0.0110
Kyrgyzstan O! 437 9 0.0036
Lao People`s Democratic Republic LTC 457 1 0.0100
Lao People`s Democratic Republic ETL 457 2 0.0150
Lao People`s Democratic Republic Unitel Laos 457 3 0.0080
Lao People`s Democratic Republic Beeline Laos 457 8 0.0025
Latvia LMT 247 1 0.0270
Latvia Tele2 Latvia 247 2 0.0270
Latvia Triatel 247 3 0.0090
Latvia Bite Latvia 247 5 0.0270
Latvia IZZI Latvia 247 8 0.0090
Latvia Camel Mobile Latvia 247 9 0.0324
Lebanon ALFA 415 1 0.0140
Lebanon MTC Touch 415 3 0.0140
Lesotho Vodacom Lesotho 651 1 0.0050
Lesotho Econet Ezi-Cel 651 2 0.0050
Liberia Lonestar Cell (MTN) 618 1 0.0190
Liberia LiberCell 618 2 0.0035
Liberia Comium Liberia 618 4 0.0070
Liberia Cellcom Liberia 618 7 0.0030
Libya Libyana Mobile 606 0 0.0070
Libya Al Madar (Orbit) 606 1 0.0030
Liechtenstein Swisscom Liechtenstein 295 1 0.0095
Liechtenstein Orange Liechtenstein 295 2 0.0045
Liechtenstein Mobilkom Liechtenstein 295 5 0.0063
Liechtenstein Tele2 Liechtenstein 295 77 0.0100
Lithuania Omnitel 246 1 0.0170
Lithuania Bite Lithuania 246 2 0.0170
Lithuania Tele2 Lithuania 246 3 0.0177
Luxembourg LuxGSM (P & T) 270 1 0.0090
Luxembourg Tango 270 77 0.0090
Luxembourg VOXmobile 270 99 0.0090
Macau Smartone 455 0 0.0140
Macau CTM 455 1 0.0120
Macau China Telecom Macau 455 2 0.0060
Macau Hutchison Telephone Macau 455 3 0.0120
Macedonia T-Mobile Macedonia (Mobimak) 294 1 0.0040
Macedonia One (Telekom Slovenia Group) 294 2 0.0139
Macedonia VIP Operator 294 3 0.0025
Madagascar Airtel Madagascar 646 1 0.0057
Madagascar Orange Madagascar 646 2 0.0150
Madagascar Sacel Madagascar 646 3 0.0195
Madagascar Telma Mobile (Telecel) 646 4 0.0095
Malawi TNM (Telekom Networks Malawi) 650 1 0.0043
Malawi Airtel Malawi (Celtel) 650 10 0.0057
Malaysia Maxis Mobile 502 12 0.0315
Malaysia DiGi Telecommunications 502 16 0.0315
Malaysia U Mobile 502 18 0.0185
Malaysia Celcom Axiata 502 19 0.0315
Malaysia Tune Talk 502 100 0.0080
Maldives Dhiraagu 472 1 0.0025
Maldives Ooredoo Malvides 472 2 0.0030
Mali Malitel (Sotelma) 610 1 0.0057
Mali Orange Mali 610 2 0.0150
Malta Vodafone Malta 278 1 0.0121
Malta Go Mobile 278 21 0.0114
Malta Melita 278 77 0.0113
Marshall Islands Wave Runner Mariana Islands (i CAN_GSM) 0 100 0.0120
Martinique Orange Caraibe Mobiles Martinique 341 1 0.0240
Martinique Outremer Telecom Martinique 341 2 0.0240
Martinique Digicel Antilles Martinique 341 20 0.0240
Mauritania Mattel 609 1 0.0400
Mauritania Chinguitel 609 2 0.0139
Mauritania Mauritel Mobiles 609 10 0.0200
Mauritius Orange Mauritius (Cellplus) 617 1 0.0050
Mauritius CHiLi Mauritius (MTML) 617 2 0.0090
Mauritius Emtel Mauritius 617 10 0.0070
Mexico Nextel Mexico 334 1 0.0180
Mexico TELCEL 334 2 0.0140
Mexico Pegaso (Movistar) 334 3 0.0180
Mexico Iusacell (Unefon) 334 4 0.0180
Micronesia, Federated States of FSM Telecom 550 1 0.0100
Moldova Orange Moldova 259 1 0.0580
Moldova MoldCell 259 2 0.0580
Moldova Unite - IDC 259 3 0.0240
Monaco Monaco Telecom 212 1 0.0090
Mongolia Unitel Mongolia 428 88 0.0120
Mongolia Skytel Mongolia 428 91 0.0120
Mongolia MobiCom Mongolia 428 99 0.0095
Montenegro Telenor Montenegro 297 1 0.0150
Montenegro Telekom Montenegro 297 2 0.0030
Montenegro MTEL 297 3 0.0140
Montserrat Cable & Wireless Montserrat 354 100 0.0075
Morocco Medi Telecom 604 0 0.0250
Morocco IAM 604 1 0.0250
Morocco WANA 604 2 0.0250
Mozambique Mcel Mozambique 643 1 0.0050
Mozambique Movitel Mozambique 643 3 0.0072
Mozambique Vodacom Mozambique 643 4 0.0030
Myanmar MPT (Myanmar Post and Telecommunication) 414 1 0.0115
Myanmar Ooredoo Myanmar 414 5 0.0170
Myanmar Telenor Myanmar 414 6 0.0170
Namibia MTC Namibia 649 1 0.0065
Namibia Cell One 649 3 0.0025
Nauru Digicel 536 1 0.0120
Nepal United Telecom Limited 429 0 0.0120
Nepal Nepal Telecom (NTC) 429 1 0.0650
Nepal Ncell (Spice) 429 2 0.0139
Nepal Nepal Telecom (NTC) (CDMA) 429 3 0.0120
Nepal SmartCell 429 4 0.0120
Netherlands Tele2 Netherlands 204 2 0.0240
Netherlands Blyk Netherlands 204 3 0.0435
Netherlands Vodafone Netherlands 204 4 0.0435
Netherlands Elephant Talk Netherlands 204 5 0.0435
Netherlands Vectone Netherlands 204 6 0.0435
Netherlands Teleena Holding 204 7 0.0276
Netherlands KPN Netherlands 204 8 0.0435
Netherlands Lycamobile Netherlands 204 9 0.0435
Netherlands Telfort 204 12 0.0279
Netherlands T-Mobile Netherlands 204 16 0.0512
Netherlands Orange Netherlands 204 20 0.0512
Netherlands Antilles Telcell Netherlands Antilles 362 51 0.0143
Netherlands Antilles Digicel Netherlands Antilles 362 69 0.0045
Netherlands Antilles UTS Wireless Curacao Netherlands Antilles 362 91 0.0045
New Caledonia Mobilis New Caledonia 546 1 0.0035
New Zealand Vodafone New Zealand 530 1 0.0210
New Zealand Telecom New Zealand 530 5 0.0491
New Zealand Two Degrees Mobile 530 24 0.0210
Nicaragua Claro Nicaraqua 710 21 0.0090
Nicaragua Sercom Nicaragua (Enitel) 710 73 0.0090
Nicaragua Telefonica Movil Nicaragua (Movistar) 710 100 0.0144
Niger Sahelcom 614 1 0.0252
Niger Airtel Niger 614 2 0.0057
Niger Moov Niger 614 3 0.0056
Niger Orange Niger 614 4 0.0130
Nigeria Multilinks Nigeria 621 0 0.0180
Nigeria Airtel Nigeria (Zain, V-Mobile) 621 20 0.0053
Nigeria Visafone Nigeria 621 25 0.0180
Nigeria MTN Nigeria 621 30 0.0062
Nigeria Glo Mobile Nigeria 621 50 0.0070
Nigeria Etisalat Nigeria 621 60 0.0038
Nigeria Zoom Mobile Nigeria 621 100 0.0180
Niue Wave Runner Mariana Islands (i CAN_GSM) 0 100 0.0120
Norfolk Island Wave Runner Mariana Islands (i CAN_GSM) 0 100 0.0120
Northern Mariana Islands Wave Runner Mariana Islands (i CAN_GSM) 0 100 0.0120
Norway Telenor Norway 242 1 0.0276
Norway NetCom (TeliaSonera) 242 2 0.0276
Norway Teletopia (MTU) 242 3 0.0144
Norway Tele2 Norway 242 4 0.0236
Norway Network Norway 242 5 0.0320
Norway Phonero 242 7 0.0144
Norway TDC Mobile 242 8 0.0144
Norway Mundio Mobile Norway 242 9 0.0144
Oman Oman Mobile 422 2 0.0735
Oman Nawras 422 3 0.0735
Pakistan Mobilink 410 1 0.0042
Pakistan Ufone (Pak Telecom) 410 3 0.0042
Pakistan Zong (Paktel) 410 4 0.0042
Pakistan Telenor Pakistan 410 6 0.0042
Pakistan Warid Telecom (PVT) 410 7 0.0042
Palau Palau National Communications Corporation 552 1 0.0170
Palau Palau Mobile Corporation 552 80 0.0140
Panama Cable & Wireless Panama 714 1 0.0170
Panama Claro Panama 714 3 0.0170
Panama Digicel Panama 714 4 0.0264
Panama Telefonica Moviles Panama 714 20 0.0170
Papua New Guinea Pacific Mobile Comms 537 1 0.0140
Papua New Guinea Digicel Papua New Guinea 537 3 0.0270
Paraguay VOX Paraguay 744 1 0.0276
Paraguay Claro Paraguay 744 2 0.0040
Paraguay Tigo Paraguay (Telecel) 744 4 0.0030
Paraguay Personal Paraguay 744 5 0.0276
Peru Telefonica Movil Peru (Movistar) 716 6 0.0095
Peru Nextel Peru 716 7 0.0095
Peru Claro Peru (America Movil) 716 10 0.0095
Peru Viettel Mobile Peru 716 15 0.0084
Philippines Globe Telecom 515 2 0.0180
Philippines SMART Communications 515 3 0.0345
Philippines Sun Cellular 515 5 0.0139
Poland Polkomtel (PLUS) 260 1 0.0162
Poland Era 260 2 0.0162
Poland Orange Poland (Centertel) 260 3 0.0162
Poland P4 (Play) 260 6 0.0162
Poland Lycamobile Poland 260 9 0.0162
Poland Sferia 260 10 0.0210
Poland Nordisk Poland 260 11 0.0210
Portugal Vodafone Portugal 268 1 0.0195
Portugal Optimus 268 3 0.0195
Portugal LycaMobile Portugal 268 4 0.0030
Portugal MEO -TMN 268 6 0.0195
Portugal Vectonemobile - Delightmobile 268 7 0.0102
Puerto Rico Open Mobile (PR Wireless) 330 0 0.0168
Puerto Rico Sprint Puerto Rico 330 20 0.0120
Puerto Rico AT&T Mobility Puerto Rico 330 30 0.0060
Puerto Rico Claro Puerto Rico (Verison) 330 100 0.0168
Puerto Rico T-Mobile Puerto Rico 330 100 0.0120
Qatar Ooredoo Qatar 427 1 0.0210
Qatar Vodafone Qatar 427 2 0.0220
Reunion Orange Reunion 647 0 0.0111
Reunion Outremer Telecom Reunion 647 2 0.0030
Reunion SFR Reunion 647 10 0.0100
Romania Vodafone Romania 226 1 0.0300
Romania Telekom Romania (Cosmote) 226 3 0.0310
Romania Zapp Mobile 226 4 0.0310
Romania Digi.mobil (RDS) 226 5 0.0300
Romania Orange Romania 226 10 0.0300
Russian Federation MTS 250 1 0.0128
Russian Federation MegaFon 250 2 0.0128
Russian Federation NCC 250 3 0.0199
Russian Federation ETK 250 5 0.0199
Russian Federation Skylink 250 6 0.0044
Russian Federation SMARTS 250 7 0.0199
Russian Federation Yota 250 11 0.0044
Russian Federation Baykalwestcom 250 12 0.0199
Russian Federation NTC (New Telephone Company) 250 16 0.0199
Russian Federation Rostelecom 250 17 0.0044
Russian Federation Tele2 250 20 0.0128
Russian Federation MOTIV 250 35 0.0199
Russian Federation Tambov GSM 250 38 0.0044
Russian Federation Beeline 250 99 0.0128
Rwanda MTN Rwanda 635 10 0.0150
Rwanda Tigo 635 13 0.0095
Rwanda Airtel 635 14 0.0057
Saint Helena Wave Runner Mariana Islands (i CAN_GSM) 0 100 0.0120
Saint Kitts and Nevis Digicel St.Kitts and Nevis 356 50 0.0090
Saint Kitts and Nevis UTS Chippie 356 70 0.0090
Saint Kitts and Nevis LIME 356 100 0.0090
Saint Lucia Digicel Saint Lucia 358 50 0.0090
Saint Lucia Cable & Wireless Saint Lucia 358 100 0.0090
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Digicel (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) 360 70 0.0120
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines LIME 360 100 0.0120
Samoa Digicel Samoa 549 1 0.0090
Samoa Bluesky (SamoaTe)l 549 27 0.0096
San Marino Telecom San Marino 292 1 0.0100
Sao Tome and Principe CSTmovel 626 1 0.0120
Saudi Arabia STC (Al Jawal) 420 1 0.0230
Saudi Arabia Mobily (Etisalat Saudi Arabia) 420 3 0.0230
Saudi Arabia Zain Saudi Arabia 420 4 0.0230
Senegal Orange Senegal (Sonatel) 608 1 0.0170
Senegal Tigo Senegal (Sentel) 608 2 0.0170
Senegal Expresso 608 3 0.0055
Serbia Telenor Serbia 220 1 0.0820
Serbia Telekom Serbia (m:tel) 220 3 0.0820
Serbia VIP Mobile 220 5 0.0820
Seychelles Cable & Wireless Seychelles 633 1 0.0110
Seychelles MediaTech 633 2 0.0550
Seychelles Telecom Seychelles 633 10 0.0281
Sierra Leone Airtel Sierra Leone 619 1 0.0050
Sierra Leone Africell Sierra Leone 619 3 0.0060
Sierra Leone Comium Sierra Leone 619 4 0.0035
Sierra Leone Mobitel 619 25 0.0035
Singapore SingTel 525 1 0.0320
Singapore M1 (MobileOne) 525 3 0.0380
Singapore StarHub Mobile 525 5 0.0360
Singapore Grid Communications 525 12 0.0084
Slovakia Orange Slovakia 231 1 0.0430
Slovakia Slovak Telekom (T-Mobile Slovakia) 231 2 0.0430
Slovakia O2 Slovakia 231 6 0.0520
Slovenia Si.mobil - Vodafone Slovenia 293 40 0.0296
Slovenia Mobitel Slovenia 293 41 0.0296
Slovenia T-2 293 64 0.0070
Slovenia Tusmobil 293 70 0.0296
Solomon Islands Our Telekom - Solomon Telekom Company 540 1 0.0074
Solomon Islands BeMobile - Solomon Islands 540 2 0.0096
Somalia Telesom 637 1 0.0241
Somalia Somafone 637 4 0.0100
Somalia Nationlink 637 10 0.0280
Somalia SolTelco 637 19 0.0294
Somalia Hortel 637 25 0.0315
Somalia Golis 637 30 0.0155
Somalia SomTel 637 71 0.0294
Somalia Telcom Somalia 637 82 0.0052
South Africa Vodacom South Africa 655 1 0.0097
South Africa 8ta (Telkom) 655 2 0.0075
South Africa CELL C South Africa 655 7 0.0105
South Africa MTN South Africa 655 10 0.0093
South Sudan MTN South Sudan 659 2 0.0530
South Sudan Gemtel 659 3 0.0120
South Sudan Vivacell South Sudan 659 4 0.0120
South Sudan Airtel South Sudan 659 6 0.0053
South Sudan Sudani South Sudan 659 7 0.0120
Spain Vodafone Spain 214 1 0.0350
Spain Orange Spain 214 3 0.0456
Spain yoigo 214 4 0.0350
Spain Movistar 214 7 0.0456
Spain Euskaltel 214 8 0.0350
Spain Telecable 214 16 0.0350
Spain Mobil R 214 17 0.0350
Spain ONO 214 18 0.0350
Spain Simyo 214 19 0.0350
Spain Fonyou 214 20 0.0350
Spain Jazztel 214 21 0.0350
Spain DigiMobil 214 22 0.0456
Spain Barablu 214 23 0.0456
Spain Eroski Movil 214 24 0.0456
Spain LycaMobile 214 25 0.0350
Spain Lleida.net 214 26 0.0350
Sri Lanka Mobitel 413 1 0.0096
Sri Lanka Dialog Axiata Sri Lanka 413 2 0.0315
Sri Lanka Etisalat Sri Lanka 413 3 0.0139
Sri Lanka Airtel Sri Lanka 413 5 0.0110
Sri Lanka Hutch 413 8 0.0100
Sudan Zain Sudan 634 1 0.0080
Sudan MTN Sudan 634 2 0.0470
Sudan Canar Telecom 634 5 0.0230
Sudan Sudani One 634 7 0.0090
Suriname Telesur 746 2 0.0045
Suriname Digicel Suriname 746 3 0.0050
Swaziland SPTC 653 1 0.0120
Swaziland Swazi MTN 653 10 0.0470
Sweden TeliaSonera Sweden 240 1 0.0246
Sweden Three Sweden 240 2 0.0268
Sweden Nordisk Mobiltelefon 240 3 0.0444
Sweden Tele2 Sweden 240 7 0.0254
Sweden Telenor Sweden 240 8 0.0290
Sweden Djuice Mobile Sweden 240 9 0.0444
Sweden Swefour 240 10 0.0444
Sweden Spinbox 240 14 0.0145
Sweden Wireless Maingate 240 15 0.0444
Sweden 42IT 240 16 0.0365
Sweden Gotalandsnatet 240 17 0.0444
Sweden iMEZ 240 20 0.0145
Sweden Tigo Ltd. 240 34 0.0365
Switzerland Swisscom Mobile 228 1 0.0264
Switzerland Sunrise 228 2 0.0100
Switzerland Salt (Orange Switzerland) 228 3 0.0139
Switzerland In&Phone 228 7 0.0060
Switzerland Tele4U (Sunrise) 228 8 0.0120
Switzerland BebbiCell 228 51 0.0060
Syrian Arab Republic Syriatel 417 1 0.0130
Syrian Arab Republic MTN Syria 417 2 0.0230
Taiwan Far EasTone 466 1 0.0168
Taiwan APTG (Asia Pacific Telecom) 466 5 0.0168
Taiwan VIBO 466 89 0.0325
Taiwan Chunghwa Telecom 466 92 0.0325
Taiwan Taiwan Mobile 466 97 0.0110
Tajikistan Tcell 436 1 0.0056
Tajikistan Megafon 436 3 0.0090
Tajikistan Babilon Mobile 436 4 0.0030
Tajikistan Beeline 436 5 0.0030
Tanzania, United Republic of MIC Tanzania 640 2 0.0130
Tanzania, United Republic of Zantel 640 3 0.0070
Tanzania, United Republic of Vodacom Tanzania 640 4 0.0170
Tanzania, United Republic of Airtel Tanzania (Zain) 640 5 0.0057
Tanzania, United Republic of Sasatel 640 6 0.0100
Tanzania, United Republic of TTCL Mobile 640 7 0.0100
Tanzania, United Republic of BOL Mobile 640 8 0.0100
Tanzania, United Republic of ExcellentCOM 640 9 0.0100
Thailand my by CAT 520 0 0.0120
Thailand AIS 520 1 0.0085
Thailand CAT CDMA 520 2 0.0095
Thailand AIS 3G 520 3 0.0120
Thailand TOT 3G 520 15 0.0095
Thailand DTAC 520 18 0.0903
Thailand True Move 520 99 0.0090
Timor-Leste Timor Telecom 514 2 0.0035
Togo Togo Cell 615 1 0.0068
Togo Moov Togo 615 3 0.0045
Tokelau Wave Runner Mariana Islands (i CAN_GSM) 0 100 0.0120
Tonga U-Call 539 1 0.0080
Tonga Digicel Tonga (Tonfon) 539 43 0.0336
Trinidad and Tobago bmobile (Telecommunications Services Trinidad and Tobago - TSTT) 374 12 0.0045
Trinidad and Tobago Digicel Trinidad and Tobago 374 100 0.0045
Tunisia Orange Tunisia 605 1 0.0153
Tunisia Telecom Tunisia (Tuntel) 605 2 0.0110
Tunisia Ooredoo Tunisia 605 3 0.0145
Turkey Turkcell 286 1 0.0150
Turkey Vodafone Turkey 286 2 0.0150
Turkey AVEA 286 3 0.0150
Turkey AVEA 286 4 0.0150
Turkey KKTCell (Turkcell) 286 100 0.0084
Turkey KKTCtelsim (Vodafone) 286 100 0.0084
Turkmenistan MTS 438 1 0.0030
Turkmenistan TM-Cell (Altyn Asyr) 438 2 0.0130
Turks and Caicos Islands Digicel Turks and Caicos Islands 376 50 0.0080
Turks and Caicos Islands Cable & Wireless Turks and Caicos Islands 376 100 0.0080
Tuvalu Wave Runner Mariana Islands (i CAN_GSM) 0 100 0.0120
Uganda Airtel Uganda 641 1 0.0057
Uganda MTN Uganda 641 10 0.0084
Uganda UTL ( Telecom Limited) 641 11 0.0110
Uganda Africell Uganda (Former Orange) 641 14 0.0100
Uganda Smart Telecom Uganda 641 18 0.0072
Uganda Airtel Uganda (Former Warid) 641 22 0.0095
Uganda Smile Uganda 641 33 0.0072
Uganda K2 Telecom Uganda 641 44 0.0072
Uganda i-Tel Uganda 641 66 0.0072
Ukraine MTS Ukraine 255 1 0.0116
Ukraine Kyivstar Ukraine (Beeline) 255 2 0.0116
Ukraine Kyivstar Ukraine 255 3 0.0116
Ukraine Intertelecom 255 4 0.0174
Ukraine Golden Telecom Ukraine 255 5 0.0110
Ukraine Life:) 255 6 0.0116
Ukraine 3Mob 255 7 0.0110
Ukraine PEOPLEnet Ukraine 255 21 0.0104
Ukraine CDMA Ukraine 255 23 0.0174
United Arab Emirates Etisalat United Arab Emirates 424 2 0.0000
United Arab Emirates du 424 3 0.0000
United Kingdom BT 234 0 0.1000
United Kingdom Mapesbury Communications 234 1 0.1000
United Kingdom Jersey Airtel 234 3 0.1000
United Kingdom Cable & Wireless UK 234 7 0.1000
United Kingdom OnePhone United Kingdom 234 8 0.1000
United Kingdom O2 UK 234 10 0.1000
United Kingdom Vodafone United Kingdom 234 15 0.1000
United Kingdom Opal Telecom 234 16 0.1000
United Kingdom FleXtel 234 17 0.1000
United Kingdom Cloud9 234 18 0.1000
United Kingdom Teleware 234 19 0.1000
United Kingdom Three UK 234 20 0.1000
United Kingdom Lycamobile United Kingdom 234 26 0.1000
United Kingdom T-Mobile United Kingdom 234 30 0.1000
United Kingdom Orange United Kingdom 234 33 0.1000
United Kingdom Jersey Telecom 234 50 0.1000
United Kingdom Cable and Wireless Guernsey 234 55 0.1000
United Kingdom Manx Telecom 234 58 0.1000
United Kingdom Inquam Telecom 234 75 0.1000
Unknown Country Unknown Operator 100 100 0.0500
Uruguay Antel (Ancel) 748 1 0.0190
Uruguay Telefonica Movil Uruguay (Movistar) 748 7 0.0045
Uruguay Claro Uruguay (CTI Movil) 748 10 0.0055
USA Verizon Wireless 310 12 0.0180
USA Cricket Communications 310 16 0.0180
USA Union Telephone Company 310 20 0.0102
USA Centennial Wireless 310 30 0.0102
USA Corr Wireless Communications 310 80 0.0102
USA T-Mobile USA 310 100 0.0102
USA Cellular One of NE Arizona 310 100 0.0102
USA Mohave Wireless 310 100 0.0102
USA AT&T Mobility USA 310 100 0.0182
USA Cincinnati Bell Wireless 310 100 0.0102
USA Alaska Digitel 310 100 0.0102
USA United Wireless Communications 310 100 0.0102
USA TMP Corporation 310 100 0.0102
USA T-Mobile (SunCom) 310 100 0.0182
USA Oklahoma Western Telephone Company 310 100 0.0102
USA AT&T Mobility (Dobson) 310 100 0.0102
USA Alltel Communications Inc 310 100 0.0102
USA Cellcom USA 310 100 0.0182
USA Choice Wireless 310 100 0.0102
USA Airadigm Communications 310 100 0.0102
USA Keystone Wireless 310 100 0.0102
USA PTSI 310 100 0.0102
USA Iowa Wireless Services 310 100 0.0102
USA Caprock Cellular 310 100 0.0102
USA Advantage Cellular 310 100 0.0102
USA Unicel Rural Cellular Corporation 310 100 0.0102
USA XIT Cellular 310 100 0.0102
USA Globalstar USA 310 100 0.0102
USA All Operators (New Prefixes) 310 100 0.0102
Uzbekistan Beeline Uzbekistan 434 4 0.0080
Uzbekistan Ucell Uzbekistan 434 5 0.0275
Uzbekistan Perfectum Mobile 434 6 0.0180
Uzbekistan UMS Uzbekinstan (MTS) 434 7 0.0180
Vanuatu Telecom Vanuatu 541 1 0.0130
Vanuatu Digicel Vanuatu 541 5 0.0100
Venezuela Digitel Venezuela 734 2 0.0100
Venezuela Telefonica Movil Venezuela (Movistar) 734 4 0.0080
Venezuela Movilnet 734 6 0.0220
Vietnam MobiFon Vietnam 452 1 0.0173
Vietnam VinaPhone 452 2 0.0210
Vietnam S-Fone (SPT) 452 3 0.0066
Vietnam Viettel Mobile 452 4 0.0300
Vietnam Vietnamobile (HTC) 452 5 0.0225
Vietnam Viettel Mobile (EVNTelecom) 452 6 0.0066
Vietnam Gmobile (Beeline) Vietnam 452 7 0.0169
Vietnam Viettel Mobile (3G EVNTelecom) 452 8 0.0066
Virgin Islands British Cable & Wireless British Virgin Islands 348 100 0.0065
Virgin Islands British Caribbean Cellular Telephone 348 100 0.0060
Virgin Islands British Digicel British Virgin Islands 348 100 0.0055
Yemen Sabafon 421 1 0.0340
Yemen MTN Yemen (Spacetel) 421 2 0.0145
Yemen Yemen Mobile (CDMA) 421 3 0.0220
Yemen Y Telecom (Y HiTS UNITEL) 421 4 0.0030
Yemen Sabafon (CDMA) 421 100 0.0054
Zambia Airtel Zambia 645 1 0.0057
Zambia MTN Zambia 645 2 0.0170
Zambia ZAMTEL 645 3 0.0130
Zimbabwe NetOne Zimbabwe 648 1 0.0130
Zimbabwe Telecel Zimbabwe 648 3 0.0100
Zimbabwe Econet Zimbabwe 648 4 0.0265
Pakistan SCO Pakistan 410 8 0.0042
Unknown unknown 1212 100 0.0000
USA AT&T Mobility USA 310 100 0.0182
Afghanistan Salaam Afghan Telecom 412 88 0.0105
Australia Lycamobile Australia 505 19 0.0100
Benin BBCOM 616 4 0.0130
Canada Choice Wireless 302 100 0.0061
Chile Telefonica Del Sur 730 6 0.0100
Chile VTR 730 8 0.0100
Chile Virgin Mobile(Tribe) 730 13 0.0130
Ecuador Default (Unallocated Prefixes) 740 100 0.0150
India2 India2 Default 405 100 0.0045
Ireland Tesco Mobile 272 11 0.0080
Ireland Lycamobile Ireland 272 13 0.0100
Israel Hot Mobile (Mirs) (MVNO Pelephone) 425 7 0.0045
Israel Golan Telecom Israel (MVNO Cellcom) 425 8 0.0045
Israel Telecom 365 Israel 425 11 0.0100
Israel Free Telecom Israel 425 12 0.0100
Israel YouPhone Israel (MVNO Orange) 425 14 0.0100
Israel Home Cellular Israel (MVNO Cellcom) 425 15 0.0100
Israel Rami Levy Israel (MVNO Pelephone) 425 16 0.0100
Israel Cellact Communications Israel (MVNO Pelephone) 425 18 0.0100
Israel Telzar 019 israel 425 19 0.0100
Israel Bezeq International Israel 425 20 0.0100
Israel 012 Telecom (MVNO Orange) 425 24 0.0100
Italy Poste Mobile 222 33 0.0100
Lebanon Ogero Mobile 415 5 0.0100
Mongolia G Mobile 428 98 0.0120
Norway Lyca Mobile Norway 242 23 0.0100
Norway Mobile Norway (Tele2) 242 24 0.0100
Puerto Rico T-Mobile Puerto Rico 330 100 0.0200
Slovakia Swan 231 3 0.0165
Switzerland Lycamobile Switzerland 228 54 0.0100
Tonga Digicel Tonga 539 88 0.0100
USA Sprint 310 100 0.0085
Uzbekistan Uzbektelekom 434 8 0.0100
Azerbaijan Catel 400 3 0.0160
Azerbaijan Azerfon-Vodafone 400 4 0.0160
Saudi Arabia Virgin 0.0230
Saudi Arabia Lebara 0.0230
French Guiana SFR (TelCell GSM) 742 0.0290
Romania Lycamobile 226 16 0.0300
Romania Enigma-System 226 11 0.0300
Brazil Algar Telecom Brazil 724 0 0.0150
United Kingdom O2 234 10 0.1000
United Kingdom Vodafone UK 234 15 0.1000
United Kingdom EE (ex-TMobile) 234 30 0.1000
Italy Digi Mobil Italy 222 0 0.0480
Norway Telia Norway 242 0 0.0144
Norway Ice.net Norway 242 0 0.0144
Belgium Lycamobile Belgium 206 0 0.0114
Sweden Lycamobile Sweden 240 0 0.0444
Spain Tuenti 214 0 0.0350

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