In recent months, the PTA has launched a nationwide effort to curb down on illegal International SMS. Through fraudulent processes, some parties allow for SMS to be made Internationally but charged at local rates. The result is that the government of Pakistan is losing a considerable amount of revenue because of these practices.
It is informed that the Authority (PTA) has approved the following directives pertaining to the International SMS termination & origination:
- All CMOs and CVAS Registration holders shall not carry international SMS traffic directly from/to foreign SMS carriers
- CVAS Registration holders are not allowed to carry out international SMS business instead shall deal in national SMS services only.
Forwarded for information and strict compliance in its true letter and spirit.
To :
- All CMOS
- All CVAS Registration Holders
* This is a local channel ( || for terminating local/Pakistani origin companies/products/services traffic only, terminating traffic of any international entity directly or indirectly is considered is a crime and can lead to legal action for damages/losses incurred.
Grey telephony is a term referred to the illegal telecom traffic in which calls/SMS from foreign countries are brought into the country as local calls/sms while using illegal means. This is an offence under the Telecom Reorganization Act 1996.